Tilting theory

It turns out that there are applications of our functors which make use of the analogous transformations which we like to think of as a change of basis for a fixed root- system - a tilting of the axes relative to the roots which results in a different subset of roots lying in the positive cone. ... For this reason, and because the word 'tilt' inflects easily, we call our functors tilting functors or simply tilts.

Brenner & Butler (1980, p.103) explaining why they introduced the word "tilt"

In algebra, tilting theory uses a tilting module T over an algebra A to construct tilting functors relating modules over A to modules over the tilted algebra EndA(T) of endomorphisms of T.

Tilting theory was motivated by the introduction of Coxeter functors by Bernšteĭn, Gelfand & Ponomarev (1973), which were reformulated by Auslander, Platzeck & Reiten (1979), and generalized by Brenner & Butler (1980) who introduced tilting functors. Happel & Ringel (1982) defined tilted algebras and tilting modules as further generalizations of this.


Happel & Ringel (1982) defined tilting modules and tilted algebras as follows. Suppose that A is a finite-dimensional algebra over a field. Then a right A-module T is called a tilting module if it has the following 3 properties:

A tilted algebra B is an algebra of endomorphisms of a tilting module T over a hereditary finite dimensional algebra A.

The tilting functors are the 4 functors HomA(T,*), Ext1
(T,*), *⊗BT, and TorB
(*,T), where T is considered as a right A module and a left B module. Brenner & Butler (1980) showed that tilting functors give equivalences between certain subcategories of right A-modules and right B-modules.

See also
